Overall count 1
  Number of total (0 %)
  Number of annular (0 %)
  Number of partial (0 %)
  Number of hybrid (0 %)
Average per year 1
Maximum per year
Longest s
Average duration 0 s
Max path width km (0 mi)
Avg path width 0 km (0 mi)

Sort columns by clicking the column headers.

Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table data. Avanced searches can be performed by using the following operators:
<, <=, >, >=, =, *, !, {, }, ||, &&, [empty], [nonempty], rgx

Operator Description Example
< Values lower than search term are matched <1412
<= Values lower than or equal to search term are matched <=1412
> Values greater than search term are matched >1412
>= Values greater than or equal to search term are matched >=1412
= Exact match search: only the whole search term(s) is matched =Sydney
* Data containing search term(s) is matched (default operator) *Syd
! Data that doesn't contain search term(s) is matched !Sydney
{ Data starting with search term is matched {S
} Data ending with search term is matched }y
|| Data containing at least one of the search terms is matched Sydney || Adelaide
&& Data containing search terms is matched >4.3 && <25.3
[empty] Empty data is matched [empty]
[nonempty] Data which is not empty is matched [nonempty]
rgx: A regular expression is used to match data rgx:de$

Year Month Day Time Type Duration Path width Azimuth Altitude Saros Latitude Longitude Magnitude Gamma Image